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A bun with a gut: An alternative DIY LOW SOCK BUN for stubborn hair perfect buns every time

February 25th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

In general I had a hard time making the regular sock bun work for my hair. So I came up with a technique I call “a bun with a gut“. This technique was created for short layered hair. My hair has grown very long since the creation of my sock bun with a gut. I wanted to test my creation on long hair to see if it would work just as well.

It worked like a charm! I didn’t need to be concerned with the length of hair. It just all rolled up nice and tight without any conscious work on my part. I loved the results, the bun turned out perfect without any help from hair products! This hairstyle is easy, fun, well put together and especially helpful when you are in a crunched for time. Once you’ve mastered this technique, it’ll literally take you about a minute to do. Check out my  original post  A bun with a gut: An alternative DIY sock bun for stubborn hair ( perfect bun every time ) for more details.

A bun with a gut: An alternative DIY LOW SOCK BUN for stubborn hair perfect buns every time


A bun with a gut: An alternative DIY LOW SOCK BUN for stubborn hair perfect buns every time

Video Tutorial:

Hair tutorial: Alternative face slimming French braid (straight slippery hair)

February 3rd, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

Alternative French braid, Trendy face slimming French braid for straight slippery hair

Che Che wearing French braid

~Inspirations from
Title: The Hippocratic Crush II, oncall36小時II
Genre: Medical drama Character: Che Che (車車)

I’ve always loved the effortless clean look of the French braid but I could never get it right with my hair being super thick, straight, and very slippery. No matter how tight I pull my hair or how finely I braid it, my french braid always turn out poofy and loose at the top and would always fall out very quickly.  I recently saw a Chinese drama, The Hippocratic Crush II,  and a girl Che Che (車車) in the drama had a really cute french braid. I thought I’d try to replicate it. It turned out pretty nice and I wanted to share it with those who have similar issue with their hair. Not only did it stays in place but also slimed my face a great deal. This also works very well if you want your short bangs up and off your face.

I hope it will work for you and you will like it. For more tutorials in the future support by liking ^_^

DIY Fix: Stop pants from mopping the floor

November 26th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

1) Find the seams on both pant leg and cut them open. After seams are open you can poke your scissors through the hole.
2) Loosely wrap elastic around leg. Add enough to tie a double knot. Cut two pieces the same length.

      3) Using a safety-pin thread the elastic through the hole. Make sure the tail end of the elastic stays outside the hole. Pull elastic out, remove safety-pin and tie the elastic. Stuff the knot inside the hole.


      4) Sew the hole together with same color thread, tie knot when finished and cut off excess thread. Repeat all steps for the other pant leg.



DIY earphone cozy from old socks

August 22nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

I hate it when my earphone cords get all tangled up. I finally decided to take care of it once and for all. This DIY earphone cozy is made from my old sock. It’s light weight, prevents tangles and protects earphone for travel and daily use. You can easily pull the plug and earphones out from the cozy.
DIY earphone cozy from old socks

  1. Cut 2″ x 4″ rectangle from old socks
  2. Fold a small flap on the 2″ sides and sew to prevent fraying on both ends
  3. Fold lengthwise in half and sew the 4″ sides together
DIY earphone cozy from old socks

Red lines are areas to be sewn.

Stitch: Push needle through fabric and loop thread around needle and pull needle through to create a knotted edge. I used the same stitch throughout this project.
DIY earphone cozy from old socks

How to use earphone cozy:

Scrap Fabric challenge: DIY vintage summer top (Sewing Hacks)

August 2nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Scrap fabric challenge: DIY vintage summer top

This fabric brings wonderful memories of when I was a little girl. My mom made an adorable sailor outfit with a matching top and short. Unfortunately I misplaced the outfit. I love the color and texture of this light fabric, I am not sure what it is. It brought me through many summers without AC . It’s very youthful and happy perhaps because of the memories.

I am using a pin to make the pattern, a technique my mom came up with and taught me, for this scrap fabric top made from different pieces of cloth sewn together.  You can make a copy of clothing or anything you like with this method. To add more flavor to this top, I decided to use my mom’s old top as the model. As a little girl I loved to play “try on mom’s clothes”. I also like that it looks like a similar top I saw in a Korean fashion blog recently. This project was for fun, no rules apply, I just made it up as I go and see what comes out of it.

So play, I keep it fun and it’s just scraps anyways if you mess up. This is my first time making a complete pattern. I hope you’ll enjoy playing around with the idea.

Basic pattern components

Scrap fabric challenge: DIY vintage summer top

* Remember to add extra 1/4″ all around the edges for the seam.

Making pattern A & B

This is the easiest part. The goal is to get two pieces of fabric that will cover the front and back of the body width and lengthwise. Pattern A & B are rectangles sewn together for this need. You can get creative and use triangles, squares or any shape you want with your scraps. To make it easier, if you have more fabric, you can make two rectangles instead. Also play around with the pattern of the fabric such as using horizontal and vertical patterns in the fabric to gives it more style.

Scrap fabric challenge: DIY vintage summer top


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