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Learn Chinese Character Singing KTV: 荃加福祿壽探案- 無聊合唱團 Lyrics

October 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

This is a short funny Cantonese song from a TVB Drama, 荃加福祿壽探案 quán jiā fú lù shòu tàn àn (Super Snoops). Their singing and dancing makes me laugh out loud.

Study Materials

The song is sung in Cantonese. Many words are very hard to translate due to the nonsense nature of the song. Even my Cantonese friends says that it can’t be directly translated. I tried to translated it the best I can at the bottom, don’t take it as being 100% correct. This is a nonsense song for fun only. Learn the words for what it is with the Vocabulary list 荃加福祿壽探案 無聊合唱團. The definition and Mandarin pingying are in Traditional Chinese (I don’t know of a Cantonese translator). Download, enjoy and learn.

Test Yourself and Sing Along 🙂

Song #2: 荃加福祿壽探案-無聊合唱團

(懸懸居居, not 100% what this means, I think it means dumb) dumbly I go to buy noodles
bought a shrimp noodle
媽媽沖谅, 爸爸耕田
mama’s takes a (æ²–è°…) bath/shower,  Papa tills the fields
so it’s up to me to go buy the noodles
grandpa has insomnia and goes to turn on the fan
but there’s no electricity left
I am the most frugal I use a palm-leaf fan to fan my face
3rd great uncle turns back to scold me
why you naughty and not gone to buy the noodles

Learn Chinese Character Singing KTV: 步步惊心 三寸天堂 Lyrics

October 10th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I used to sing Kereoke with a friend whispering Chinese lyrics in my ear as I somehow manage to sing. It was painfully fun and I learned a few characters. I’ve always loved to sing (not that I am good) and  I’ve always wanted to learn to read Chinese. Kill two birds with one stone, learn to sing in Chinese with KTV.

My first Chinese KTV lesson is a theme song from a Chinese Drama, 步步惊心 Bù Bù Jīng Xīn (Startling by Each Step). I love the melody of the Song. After I translated and understood the lyrics, I found the song sad but beautiful.

Study Materials

You can download, enjoy and learn with this pdf  vocabulary list of 步步驚心 – 三寸天堂 or study right here with the set of Flashcards I made. Choose a study mode with audio on/off.

Test Yourself and Sing Along 🙂

Song#1: 步步惊心 – 三寸天堂 Three Inches of Heaven
Singer, Lyricist, Composer: 严艺丹  Yan Yi Dan

*停 在 這裏 不 敢 走 下去
讓 悲傷 無法 上演
下一頁 你 亲 手寫 上 的 離別
由不得 我 拒絕
這 條 路 我們 走 得 太 匆忙
擁抱 着 並不 真實 的 慾望
來不及 等不及 回頭 欣賞
木蘭 香 遮 不住 傷

不再 看 天上 太陽 透過 雲彩 的 光
不再 找 約定 了 的 天堂
不再 嘆 你 说 過 的 人間 世事 無常
借 不到 的 三 寸 日光 *

不再 看 天上 太陽 透過 雲彩 的 光
不再 找 約定 了 的 天堂
不再 嘆 你 说 過 的 人間 世事 無常
借 不到 的 三 寸 日光
那 天堂 是 我 愛 過 你 的 地方

Inspired by KTV小姐

Learning to Read and Write Chinese, 忘掉失去的, 珍惜擁有的

September 20th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

忘 wàng, to forget / to overlook / to neglect
掉 diào, to drop / to fall
失去 shī qù, to lose
çš„ de, (possessive particle) / of
珍惜 zhēn xī, treasure / value / cherish
擁有 yōng yǒu, to have / to possess

忘掉失去的, 珍惜擁有的
Forget your loses, Cherish what you possess…

~ Chinese Drama:步步惊心 Ep.18 quoted from the King.

stroke, audio, and more @ MDBG

Learning to Read and Write Chinese, 內心世界是由自己創造的

August 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

我的 Wǒ de,  my
內心 nèixīn,  inner heart
世界 shìjiè, world
是 shì, is
由 yóu, cause, reason; from
自己 zìjǐ, myself,/oneself
創造 chuàngzào, create

我的內心世界是由我自己創造的, my inner heart/world is created by myself.

stroke, audio, and more @ MDBG

Learning to Read and Write Chinese: 茅塞頓開

July 30th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

茅 máo,  Reeds, rushes, grass; surname
塞 shì, Room, home, house, chamber
茅室, Combined means bathroom

頓 dùn, dú, zhūn, Pause, stop/ bow, kowtow/ arrange
開 kāi, open/initiate, begin, start
é “é–‹, Combined means to clear up or expelled from within

茅室頓開, you guessed it :D. Yes, your plugged pipes has been relieved in the bathroom. Alleluia! This also mean your stuck thoughts or problems is suddenly relived or thought through, an epiphany.

stroke, audio, and more @ MDBG

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