
Hair tutorial: Alternative face slimming French braid (straight slippery hair)

Face slimming French braid
Alternative French braid, Trendy face slimming French braid for straight slippery hair

Che Che wearing French braid

~Inspirations from
Title: The Hippocratic Crush II, oncall36小時II
Genre: Medical drama Character: Che Che (車車)

I’ve always loved the effortless clean look of the French braid but I could never get it right with my hair being super thick, straight, and very slippery. No matter how tight I pull my hair or how finely I braid it, my french braid always turn out poofy and loose at the top and would always fall out very quickly.  I recently saw a Chinese drama, The Hippocratic Crush II,  and a girl Che Che (車車) in the drama had a really cute french braid. I thought I’d try to replicate it. It turned out pretty nice and I wanted to share it with those who have similar issue with their hair. Not only did it stays in place but also slimed my face a great deal. This also works very well if you want your short bangs up and off your face.

I hope it will work for you and you will like it. For more tutorials in the future support by liking ^_^

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