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iPhone Battery Replacement Needed
I need an iPhone battery replacement for my old iPhone5, could I fix it / do it myself ? An iPhone repair is not something that I think I could do. However, I was super excited by the idea. I wanted to know how to take battery out of iPhone. Did iPhone5 battery replacement cost a lot? How complicated is it to do a iPhone battery repair? On the other hand I was also very intimidated by the idea, so my iPhone sat in a box collecting dust for over a year.
DIY iPhone Battery Repair Preparation
My mom was interested in playing with an iPhone but she didn’t want to invest so much money in a new iPhone. She does not intend to use most of the features. Remembering my iPhone stashed in the corner I decided to take a chance to see if I can fix it for her. I did some research and found a kit called IFIXIT iPhone5 Battery Replacement Kit . After watching more than 20 instructional videos I decided I could do it. To prevent myself from backing out I went and bought the kit at a local Fry’s Store. I went home and started the whole process with a live recording session. You can watch me stumbling through this challenge of my skills and nerves in the video below. I hope you will stick around to see if I succeed or fail miserably!!!
The kit only cost a little over $32 with taxes included, a much better option than spending a few hundred dollars for a new iPhone. My mom is very pleased and I am totally amazed that I fix it by myself. You do have to be prepared, be organized, be gentle, be careful and most importantly be patient in the whole process. It took me close to 2 hours from start to finish. I was taking my time so I wouldn’t make any stupid mistakes. It’s very rewarding to know I could do something that I thought was very complicated and impossible for me. This IFIXIT iPhone5 Battery Replacement Kit is excellent, I am super happy with it. I hope you will be inspired to try something challenging for personal your growth as well.