

“I never look at the person…even Paul, Moses make mistakes. Even the smartest person make mistakes….”

Inspired by
~ Fancy W.

Today my friend made me notice the high expectations and images of those I look up to. I didn’t know I put them in such an unreachable place. As if they shouldn’t make certain mistakes, they know better. They are morally higher then the mistakes they make. I would get confused and wonder why when mistakes happen. As I write this, I feel how silly my thoughts are and that I should know better but never realized it. I learned something new about myself today.

Am I lowering myself and idealizing these people? Or are they my excuse to do bad when I see them mess up? I guess when I am looking up to others as models I forget they are humans. They are not any better then me. We all are just people with different experiences and decisions to make. Sometime we do better then other times. There’s not one person in this world who hasn’t made a mistake or is immune to mistakes.

Reminder to self: The people who I look up to cannot be responsible for the decision I make. I take full responsibility for my own mistakes in life. I can choose the good over the bad influences that effects me.

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