
When facing problems: EQ vs IQ


~ Inspiration from
Title: Incisive Great Teacher, 犀利仁师
Genre: Period drama, romance, school, comedy

The battle of EQ (emotional intelligence ) vs IQ (intelligence). This little scene really put things into perspective for me. I tend to be very emotional especially in a crisis. Ok, in general I am very emotional. I scream and shout but only with my close loved ones because i know they are the ones who will tolerate my foolishness and still love me. None the less these minor issues can put a strain on my most valued relationship.

Minor argument like, “you said this” and “no you said that.” would boil up to explosions of tears in a few moments. Daily emotional drama surface out of the blue. One second ago you were happy and cherry but because you swear that guys looks like so and so but the other person says that person is someone else. Obviously they’re wrong and they would never admit they’re wrong!!! This stupidity could go on and on.

Fact is, we never intended to fight and the topic at hand was insignificant. We were both immersed in our own emotions and past failures to communicate. We never thought beyond what we felt and stayed locked within our own emotions. We never used our logic to look at why we are behaving in such a way without being judgmental of each other, everything just boils up within seconds into the conversation. This was the problem.

This comical scene let me know how silly we were, behaving like monkeys focusing only on our frustrations. We have the ability to rationally and intelligently solve whatever problems that came our way, we just needed to activate it. Although this is easier said then done for those of us with low EQ but knowing our weakness and having the willingness to accept it is a good start. Practicing our IQ in time of conflict or troubled times, we will slowing increase our EQ and IQ.

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